The Prescription for Healthy Sports Turf

Independent agronomist Rusty Oetker does for golf courses, parks and athletic fields what a primary care physician does for patients. With more than 45 years of experience in sports turf grass management, he prescribes a balanced, preventive approach to keeping turf grass in good, healthy condition.

Through Soil Horizons, Inc., which he founded in 1997, Rusty provides expert analyses and recommendations that enable golf course superintendents, park directors, athletic field managers and schools to get the most return from their maintenance practices. That is, thick, green stands of grass – and more efficient, cost-effective use of resources like water, fertilizers and soil amendments.

5 Reasons to Hire Soil Horizons, Inc.

  • Extensive experience. More than 45 years of broad-based work in the turf grass field – from golf course management to service as a technician and independent consultant, promoting the success of more than 200 courses, parks and athletic fields
  • USGA – accredited testing of soil and water by Brookside Laboratories Inc., a recognized world leader in analytical services
  • Clear recommendations that are presented for effective implementation and supported by a full year of follow-up visits, as well as telephone and email consultation
  • A well-measured approach to soil and turf grass management that limits use of fertilizers and soil amendments, yielding maximum results from them when they’re needed to bring soil to proper balance
  • Independent, degreed agronomist offering expert analysis, free of affiliations with fertilizer/chemical suppliers
Rusty Oetker

Rusty Oetker